Reunion leaders at work
Here are some pictures of our some of our reunion planning committee members at work. Other contributing members to the planning and support committee are listed below
- Ann Levering, Reunion Historian/General mgr.
- Ken Stroth, Planning/Committee Coordinator
- Ane Harms, Treasurer
- Maureen Kelly, Asst. Treasurer
- Tom Stone, Entertainment
- Joe Torgesen, Webmaster
- Elmer Ping, Photographer
- Ron Harvey, Sergeant at Arms
- Michael Dunlavey, Graphics Designer
- Committee members at large: Jim Coe, Judy Tawse, Don Wilkening, Bob Biko, Sue Inks, Doyle Richardson, Bob Ferguson, Ken Clawson, Rich Davis, Betty Packard, Doree Upchurch, Steve Allen, Tyke McConnel, Dick Lemon, Gary Guthrie, Tylie Jones, Gary Heffelfinger, Sheri Sartori, Susan Schrorder, Steve French, Doug Essary